Fischer HRM hosts the Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Chinesische Freundschaft Düsseldorf e.V.

“We are looking for Chinese managers who can do both: Germany and China,” summed up Maria Fischer, managing director of Fischer HRM. The Business Working Group payed visit to the personnel consultancy. After a short introduction, Maria Fischer and senior consultant Nanhui Qi answered the participants’ questions.

“If a company wants to localise, it needs people who understand the mentality of the country in question,” Maria Fischer summed up. They need people like senior consultant Nanhui Qi, who already built up a large network during his studies in metallurgy and materials engineering at RWTH Aachen University, which he now draws on when filling tricky job positions. “In addition to the position and salary, other factors can also play a role when filling a position. These can be the air quality in a city or the childcare situation of the family,” Qi explained. The employer image of Chinese companies has changed in recent years, he said. “Working conditions are becoming more international”, Maria Fischer reported.